Who doesn’t love to run an optic on a pistol these days?!

Shooting with front & rear sights is basic knowledge and I’m pretty sure you guys know how to do that right? In case you don’t, scroll down to the bottom and check the link provided to get to know “how to” from the Pros in the business! A little bit more fancy nowadays days are red dots, reflex sights or RMRs not only because they look cool.

Most of the newer released handguns offer build-in features already for the named option above due to requests from end-users or government contracts. Modernizing the art or way of shooting itself using a handgun with an optic has its benefit in it. Just like, taking up targets quicker and so on.

SIG AIR P320 RMR Mounting Options

This article is a quick overview about two available options for you as a SIG AIR P320 M17/M18 user. First is the GK Tactical RMR Mount Base and second the long-awaited SIG AIR Low Profile Reflex Sight with mounting plate which is finally available as well.

SIG AIR P320 RMR Mounting Options

GK Tactical RMR Mount

Starting with the GK Tactical RMR Mount first, it is designed to give the SIG AIR P320 M17/M18 the ability to use red dot sights that are not from SIG itself. Meaning, RMRs like the one we have in use from Trijicon or those who use the same type of drill holes to fit on the mount plate.

SIG AIR P320 RMR Mounting Options

The GK Tactical Mount also includes a replacement sight set which is a bit raised up providing you the ability to still use them in case the RMR quit its duty for any reason.

If you’re not a fan of those sights, you can still mount the original once that come with the pistol as they fit onto the GK Tactical mount too.

SIG AIR P320 RMR Mounting Options

Mounting itself is quite easy and doesn’t require much tools. You’re done in a couple of minutes and ready to rock out again. One small issue I noticed on the front sight; the drill hole is not set squared correctly to the one in the slide so you may face an issue trying to screw it on tight and straight.

Be patient and work slow to prevent any damage!

SIG AIR P320 RMR Mounting Options

SIG AIR Reflex Sight & Mount Plate

The SIG AIR Reflex Sight was engineered specifically to work with SIG AIR Products coming at a lower price but still offering top notch performance for your needs.

SIG AIR P320 RMR Mounting Options

Using a wide 23mm field of view, the SIG AIR Reflex sight has everything you would want from a traditional red dot.

From Elevation and Windage adjustment and 6 level easy touch intensity controls, The SIG AIR Reflex Sight has you covered, providing a crystal-clear view.

SIG AIR P320 RMR Mounting Options

This Set includes mounting plates for both, the SIG AIR Airgun and Airsoft P320 M17/M18 Platform already in the package.

SIG AIR P320 RMR Mounting Options

Compared to the GK Tactical, it uses the original sight set which comes along the gun. Those doesn’t cut the ankle from the Reflex Sight so you can’t aim through if it quits its duty.

If you into short dots for handguns and run a SIG, those two options are made for you. Check your local dealer if they have it available.

If you want to learn more about how to shoot with short dots, here are some media links for your reference to gather intel about this topic to get your shot exactly where you want to have it.

Media Links:

Pistol Mounted Optics Course – SIG SAUER Academy

Handgun Red Dot Sights – SureFire LLC

Shooter Deficiencies – Knockoutlights

More product news about the SIG AIR P320 M17/M18 can be found here!

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