Meet the team from the Airsoft & MilSim News Blog. If you want to contact our team please visit the contact page and fill out the contact form. Alternatively you can also use the social media profiles.
Chris is the Manager & Founder of the Airsoft & MilSim News Blog. He is responsible for product news, presentations, reviews and advertisement. Any questions? Drop him a mail or get in contact with him via social media.
Rick is a Private Security with 14 years on the Job and a vast interest in EDC and Survivalism. Rick had three years of experience writing for other publications from blogs to a online magazine before joining the AMNB team on August 2014. At Airsoft & MilSim News Blog he is a News Editor for Tactical Gear, Accessories, Firearms, Knives.
Seasoned competitive shooter with a knack for trying to do everything at the same time. A very knowledgeable reviewer who knows his way around both tech and firearms. Arius is a do it all or nothing kind of guy who loves interviewing people as much as he likes shooting alongside them.
Paul is playing Airsoft for over 7 years and is one of the founders of Serbian Airsoft Federation. He is also a board member for 3 years now. He is working as a video editor and producer.
Meet the team from the Airsoft & MilSim News Blog. If you want to contact our team please visit the contact page and fill out the contact form. Alternatively you can also use the social media profiles.