Great news are send in from our friend “Slickaxe” from Airsoft.Nl.

Airsoft is finally legal in Holland! Finally after 8 years of hard work together with the Dutch Airsoft Association NABV we managed to get it done; Airsofting in our home country!

Back in 2004 I started the NABV with Mr. J. Dekkers, our goal was to make airsofting possible within the Dutch borders. The NABV was alive and kicking, together with the support of great people we managed to get there step by step. We knew this was a project of multiple years, with up’s and down’s, we can finally bring the news that Airsofting in Holland is a reality from Jan 15th 2013 onwards!

The next weeks the NABV will release all the details regarding regulations, memberships etc. etc. What is already known is that Airsoft will have a minimum age limit of 18 years and older. Together with a membership of the NABV and a VOG (declaration of well behaviour/screening) you are able to Airsoft in Holland.

Please read all the details here:

The NABV will now focus on the introduction of Airsoft in Holland, they will provide a solid foundation so the sport itself will grow even bigger!