Todays presentation in our video documetarie channel is about the rescue mission from Marcus Luttrell “Lone Survivor”. The guys from 920th Rescue Wing tryed to get the 4 man SEAL team (Operation Red Wings) out of the mountains of Afghanistan. But the mission was difficult…!

“Macrander, the commander of the 920th Rescue Wing at Patrick Air Force Base, has led missions into the heat of war and been part of missions led by others. He says he can recall details of all them all. But one that has become well known among the public involved the rescue of a lone survivor and the recovery of three of his comrades from Kunar Province, Afghanistan, on the eve of July 4, 2005.“I was the guy who pulled Murphy off of the mountain out there,” Macrander said, harkening back to his crew’s involvement in multiple missions to rescue the SEAL team. They brought home Marcus Luttrell — who went on to document the ordeal in the book “Lone Survivor” — and also recovered the bodies of Petty Officers Matthew Axelson and Danny Diets.”



It is my duty as a pararescueman / combat rescue officer to save life and aid the injured. I will be prepared at all times to perform my assigned duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties before personal desires and conforts.

These things I do, “THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE”