Operation Jawbreaker was a 24hour Milsim event held in Copehill Down FIBUA site, near Stonehenge in England, by Tier 1 Military Simulations.This promo video is for the DVD, which is available for sale at airsoftfilm.com and includes the films from the previous game Black Heart.If you liked this film or want to know the background to the game (written from the Head Marshal’s POV) then please check out airsoftfilm.com for the article.

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Basho is making an airsoft documentary and is looking for help from the airsoft community, details at airsoftfilm.com – come take a look and let’s get airsoft the coverage it deserves.

Basho is also available for filming commissions and has a professional team, all film school qualified, who can come cover your event.

Tier 1 – Operation Jawbreaker from Basho Matsuo on Vimeo.