DRT outdoor


Introducing | The DRT (Down Range Tool)

We´ve been contacted a couple days ago from Perry Sasnett, a Retired Navy CWO, Bomb Disposal Expert, (THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE Perry) and CEO/Founder of Zero Point Incorporated. He´s about to release his own first product called the DRT: Down Range Tool. What can you expect from it? Find it out and read the product description below and make sure to support his Indiegogo Campaign for the DRT if you like it, “link is at the end of this article”.

DRT Down Range Feature

The DRT is a rugged multi-tool that is nothing like you’ve ever seen before. It has at least over 50 different features and a multitude of applications. This tool can twist, pry, open, scoop, scrape, cut, clean measure, and even break glass.






The DRT is an ideal tool for outdoorsmen, hunters, campers, survivalists, gear enthusiasts, and even the Zombie Apocalypse defender. Emergency rescue personnel, special operators and law enforcement will also enjoy using the DRT. The tool is Molle-compatible and can be stored on body armor, kept inside of a vehicle, transported with edc, and used in the home or workplace.

Here is a quick look at the DRT features

DRT Functions and Features Chart

My team is hard at work continuing development on this awesome product however, we still have a ways to go before the vision is complete and we are able to begin production and get the DRT into the hands of the public.

Can I count on your support?

I just kicked off my crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo and wanted to take some time out to spread the word about my innovation. Please feel free to share this fantastic news with your readers. You can catch future updates about the campaign and its progress by visiting my website www.perrysasnett.com or following me on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @perrysasnett) where I will be updating my backers.

Visit the Official Indiegogo Campaign for the DRT by clicking the link >right here<!


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