Spotlight – Laser Craft Concepts IRR Nation & First Aid Pacth

Patches are everywere these days and you get them in any variation you would like to have them customized for your needs. But today, we would like to spotlight you two out of a +1000 we think they´re worth buying.

The Laser Craft Concepts IRR Nation & First Aid Pacth, a couple that works well together to show necessary information to the guys around you.

The First Aid Pacth offers medical personnal that show up to treat your injury important information like blood group or allergy if you have some. Additional information can be added too, seen here is callsign and nation but you can customize these at your order like you want to have it. This configuration, let´s say it´s kinda gold standard.

Materials used: Solid “thick” Cordura fabric builds the ground of each patch what guarantee a long life time. As you decided to order the IRR version, this fabric comes from 3M and it´s manufactured after MIL-Spec standards.

Benefet from this? Easy friend or for identification. The acceptance angel of the 3M IR material is 150 degrees – reflection angle is about 10 degrees. Suspects outside this angle (under 5 degrees) are not able to see any reflection coming from you.

EDITORS NOTE: I personally run two sets for over a year now in Coyote and Stone Grey Olive and they still look almost the first day I bought them! No big material issues at all. The M3 IRR material also works without any significant visual losses. It´s quality folks!

The Nation Pacth is as simple as that – it shows your nationality, what a surprise but it dose this in a very nice looking way of design that stands out! To me, it´s a must have. (Different designs available too) all ptaches are made in Germany.

You can get these from Triple Action or straight from Laser Craft too. Links provided below. Check em out!

Triple Action >>

Laser Craft >>