

Too Cool For School !!

There are 3 words to evoke dread in every child and most young adults – back to school. There is little you can do to mitigate this feeling of doom – promise the young ones a good recess; promise the older ones a wet t-shirt contest on the beach during Spring Break, perhaps guarantee them a job other than fast food service upon graduation.

You can also get them a good pack to carry their books though. A bag that says, “I am higher on the food chain than the dorks you stuff into lockers, no need to steal mymoney. I’m neither hipster nor hippie. I know good gear when I see it and I deploy to the school yard with same.”


Grey Ghost Gear pack

Grey Ghost Gear suggests you get a pack for the dejected and miserable students in your life. Cheer them up with a Lightweight Assault Pack in ATACS FG, PenCott Badlands or PenCott GreenZone; a Stealth Operator Pack in grey, grey diamond or ATACS FG. A Legacy Pack in Coyote Brown, MultiCam or one of 3 Kryptek patterns – Highlander, Mandrake or Typhon.

Once all those packs, patterns and colors are gone they’re gone! Miss your chance now and you’ll be mourning the missed opportunity for generations to come.

Buy one. Buy it now, before it’s too late. CLICK HERE!


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