Haley Strategic Partners Introduces the D3FAULT Stock Preset Device and the NEOMAG Sentry Strap.

The D3FAULT holds value for all consumers, from the everyday rifle owner to the most elite units. For those of us who depend on AR platforms as our primary weapons systems, to protect our lives and the lives of others, we know the importance of time.

The D3FAULT is one of the easiest plug and go solutions to quickly grab your weapon, rip out the buttstock, which stops at the correct position, and be confident that you are ready to fight. This product is a no brainer, for the price, the size, and the ease of installation. What you are getting in return is priceless.

The HSP Disruptive Grey Sentry Strap by NeoMag is our preferred solution for sling staging. Two powerful magnets are used inside the Sentry strap to hold your sling fast to your rifle. Deploying is simple; grab your sling, and tug. The sentry strap breaks away on its own. Fast and easy. That’s the way we like it.

The minimum size the Sentry Strap will fit is roughly 1″ (a buffer tube). The maximum circumference is 8″ (2.6 Max Diameter). The Sentry Strap is secured with Velcro. The sling catch is secured with magnets and will fit anything from padded slings to webbing straps.

For additional information:

D3FAULT Stock Preset Device >> haleystrategic.com/d3fault

Disruptive Grey Sentry Strap >> haleystrategic.com/sentry-strap