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Introducing – 6th FINGER
We came across this product a couple weeks ago already and since then, we use it in our everyday life like an EDC tool. The 6th Finger is designed from a company based in Berlin, Germany and they came up with the idea during the spread of the COVID-19 Virus.
Why should you use this tool? Is it something stupid like a lot of other things that came up with COVID-19? We think no, it´s something well thought-out for places where you can become infected in everyday life situations even after Corona.
Got your attention? Then you´re maybe interested to learn a bit more about the product in this article.
How can you use it? Starting with doorknobs, the handrails and door openers in buses and trains, self service refriginators or bread counters in the supermarket, when paying at card terminals or using the ATM, using traffic lights, mail boxes, trash cans, dispensery machines, restrooms, even at soap dispensers or the light switch in the office or gym!
Let me show you how to use it:
The 6th Finger is made from copper. Why copper? Various studies have shown that corona viruses, and actually every dangerous viruses and bacteria, are damaged on copper surfaces by various electro-chemical effects at the level of their DNA/RNA. On dry copper, everything is decomposed after 10 – 30 minutes, not even DNA/RNA from the virus remains!
And even under the worst possible conditions, in a wet and UV-free environment, the effects of copper still work rapidly, so that half of the viruses have died after 1 hour and the DNA/RNA of every single particle has been completely dissolved again after just 4 hours!
IN PRODUCTION! Is “The Cover” for the 6th Finger that helps you prevent cross contaminations. The Cover is easy to operate with one hand and a great addition and we think we order one in too once it´s available soon.
If you realized the benefit of this small but yet effective tool for your EDC needs during these times, head over to their website and grab one.