Invading Afghanistan with ODA 555 – The real story of 12 Strong (Horse Soldiers)

A lot of people gettin ready to watch 12 Strong (in Theaters January 19th.) as we all like to watch movies these days which are based on real actions that took place not because we´re bloodthirstily or so, no it´s because we wanna hear about the stories the Soldiers who put themselfs in the first line for us have to tell. Some of their sories had less but more personal impact to oneself but some of them had big impact to the world we´re all live in today!

12 Strong is the fictional film that comes out next week and it tells the sorty of ODA 555 the so called “Horse Soldiers” who first put boots on the ground after 9/11 took place.

12 Strong

Jack Murphy an Author for SOFREP got a special interview with Scott Zastrow about his experiences with ODA 555 during the initial invasion of Afghanistan. Scott was an 18D (Special Forces Medic) on his Special Forces team, and was among the first on the ground in the country on October 19, 2001. If you´re interested to read the full interview, we suggest you to hit the link provided below.