Which camouflage works better? Conventional 3D Leaf Ghillie Suit vs. GHOSTHOOD

Here’s a video from a good friend of AMNB, RIPPERKON. He talks about camouflage and did a IRR camo comparison for you to understand the importance of high quality gear against the cheap stuff you may think works great. Enjoy watching and learn something!

I have read and answered a lot of comments regarding the camouflage suits from GHOSTHOOD. It seems like some people wanted it to be compared to a cheap 3d leaf ghillie suit. So here you go 😉

I compare the Ghost-Hoodie + Ghost-Legs to a 3d leaf suit (Pants + Jacket). Both systems are super light and breathable. The leaf suit even is reversible. One big difference is the construction. The other one is the colors they used for the camo pattern. The pattern from the Ghost-Hoodie is Concamo. This pattern and design is made in Germany and has got high standards in colors and especially infrared colors. In the video I am using the word ‘infrared’ as a synonym for ‘near infrared’. SWIR etc. is not included here. Even though, the suit has got some thermal reduction…

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RIPPERKON Web >> www.ripperkon.de