Every milsim event is different with varying requirements in the uniform and what will be needed based on the weather season and location of the venue. There will always be a series of essential kit that will always be most considered for every event. Here are the following gear essentials in no particular order for any Milsim event (ignoring all Airsoft specific gear).

This is Part 2 of Kit Essentials for Milsim Events. Check out Part 1 to get up to date.


As part of the consideration of seasonal clothing, the weather can always change and create a wet environment (especially if you live in the UK). Outer layers with a waterproof layer would be essential for any Milsim kit to ensure that if it does rain, you can stay dry and keep playing.


There are different solutions to waterproof clothing however the most functional would be to get a waterproof poncho. A waterproof poncho would keep the player and all their kit dry during any level of rainfall and can act as a form of cover when camping and/or creating a watch point during the game. A poncho can also be used for other things such as ground mat when dealing with kit and can be flat packed in a backpack with ease.

Wool Socks

Your feet are one of the most important parts of your body and will be the most effected when playing in a Milsim event. The worst thing you could do is to only wear one pair of cotton socks throughout the event as your feet will sweat and cause discomfort.

Pair Of Blue Socks Hanging

Other than having more than one pair of socks per day, wool socks or even Merrino socks would not only maintain their comfort for longer throughout the event, but also not retain the sweat from your feet. Wool socks will also dry quicker when wet however waterproof boots would be better for that issue.

Supporting Boots

A good lead from wool socks would be to have a good pair of boots or shoes which not only are comfortable in different terrain, but to also provide adequate protection such as ankle support. Waterproof boots would be a bonus but not essential if the season doesn’t expect heavy rain (a poncho would keep you dry from head to boot).

Monochrome Photo of Person Wearing Black Shoes


One last essential that is neglected is skin care. This seems silly however it is quite easy to neglect seasonal skin care. Whether it be cold or hot, some form of skin care should be kept on person just in case. Vaseline (wink wink) is a multipurpose product which can be quite useful. Skin rash? Bug bite? Sun burn? Dry lips? Sticky GBBR bolt? Don’t neglect the basics.