My DB Noveske M4 Custom – Internals

This video is part one of two, where I take a look at my number one ‘go-to’ gun. This was hand built and custom made by my late, great friend, Dave Barry who sadly passed away in June 2012. I have wanted to review this gun for ages and had many requests to do so – but with Dave’s passing found it a hard one to do. Dave wanted to sit down and film an in depth review of how he custom built this piece but unfortunately it wasn’t to be.

We made a few vids a while back with Dave where he showed off some of his collection – the man was a genius gun tech and a master at his craft.

The total price of this gun was around €1000 and for me is the pinnacle of ‘gun porn’ – it may not be everyones cup of tea but it’s mine and custom built to my specifications.

In part 2 we will look at the external build of the gun.