Project Gecko invites you to the CQBLF from 07. to 09. April 2017. Do you wanna join?
This is an intensive fast-paced, hands-on course which focuses in great depth on dynamic and accurate surgical solutions within the limited penetration context.
During this course the students will practice deliberate or search oriented room clearing techniques and will be familiarized with Different types of structural shapes. Students will learn how to work within cells or Full teams. Students will also participate in a multi team clearing, etc.
This 3 days course is one of the most intensive open enrollment CQB courses we are currently offering. The course includes a lot of in depth information.
Practice Overview:
· Duration of training: 3 days
· Day 1 and day 2: Theoretical & practical training with Airsoft
· Day 3: Practice in the range with live fire.
For the course content click here >>