Using Breakthough to clean and lubricate (maintenance) PTS Masada GBBR

In this tutorial video from PTS Syndicate, they show you “how to” clean and lubricate their Masada GBBR using Breakthough maintenance material.

Breakthrough® Military-Grade Solvent has no odor, is non-staining, removes all fouling, while completely evaporating, leaving absolutely no residue behind. And it’s truly pH neutral, which means it’s safe on your firearm’s wood, plastics, polymers, Cerakote and/or hydro-printing. And unlike traditional firearm cleaning solvents, Breakthrough® Military-Grade Solvent has a flashpoint of 150° F and is therefore considered non-flammable. Breakthrough® Military-Grade Solvent cleans efficiently, dramatically reducing the duration of cleaning while using less product.



Breakthrough Military Grade Solvent

Breakthrough Battle Born HP Pro Oil

Battle Born HP Pro Lubricant and Protectant is a blend of the finest quality synthetic oils available and treated with the most effective extreme pressure, corrosion inhibitors, anti-oxidant, anti-foam and anti-wear additives.

Get your Masada >>


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