The latest issue of Raider Magazine Vol 7 Issue 12 is out now with articles on the Tactical Beard Owners Club,Blue Force Gear,Viper Tactical and a full report on SHOT show 2015.
Most cultures around the world recognise the beard as a symbol of not just manhood, but wisdom and knowledge that comes with the years it took to grow such.
Sadly, today’s modern “pop culture” has had the primary agenda through fashion and main stream media to emasculate the male species. Skinny Jeans, elastic shoes. feminine body piercings, and gel soaked hair had turned the rough and tough handsome man into someone “pretty” or chic.
This unique, worldwide club proudly shows the trendy and self-conscious: a beard is about attitude and not fashion.
Speaking personally my ideal survival kit is a fully-loaded winnebago – bed, food, all the comforts of home. This aspiration does present some practical difficulties obviously, not being an off- road vehicle a winnebago is rather difficult to lug up hill and down dale.
For this exceedingly good reason survival kits tend to be small and compact, although it is possible to squeeze in an astonishing amount of genuinely useful stuff.
Direct action is the section of the magazine where we stay true to our military based roots that helped propel raider in the public eye. With our military contact, we are able to bring you news as it breaks from around the world.
All this and more…
- Full SHOT Show report from Trampas
- Gunfighter report on the Tactical Beard Owners Club
- A Load Up Feature on Blue Force Gear
- More from Viper Tactical