Robo Airsoft


It´s Pew Pew Time – Operation Copperhead

It’s here – PART ONE of Robos multipart gameplay series from American Milsim’s Operation Copperhead, which took place at the Playas Training and Research Center in Playas, New Mexico; April 11-12, 2015.

This video starts you off right at the beginning of day one. Some of their team from the Airsoft Operators here in Canada flew down to squad up with some of our friends in Force Recon (also Canadian), and Death’s Hand (ALSO Canadian).

At this point in the event – the hesitant first moves by both sides creates a “hurry up and wait” confusion that sets in at the beginning of most Ops. It’s that quiet before the storm…before each faction musters the stones to make the first move…

Hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you think in the comments!




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