D3 BELT – optimal synergy between belt rigidity and comfort

1st line gear has evolved throughout time. With every conflict the materials, construction, and utility have improved to meet the gunfighters requirements. Haleys disruptive approach to product design was harnessed to create a foundation sparing no minor details in the fit, form, or function.
The D3 BELT delivers optimal synergy between belt rigidity and comfort and closes with the proven Cobra buckle. The belt provides a proven foundation to support requirements for the modern warfighter, LEO, and responsible armed citizen.
For more details as well as a chance to win a D3 Belt, updates on the product launch, head over to the website and subscribe to the newsletter link. Several winners will be chosen and the drawing begins today March 2nd 2022 through April 30th 2022.

Gear up >> www.haleystrategic.com/products

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