Introducing TNVCs newest collaborative product – The TNVC/Forward Controls Design Panel, Cable Management–MLOK!

The PCM-MLOK is a multi-directional cable management device that affixes to any M-LOK Compatible interface, and can be used to both route and protect remote device activation cables.

TNVC/Forward Controls PCM-MLOK

Made in the USA and manufactured from machined aircraft grade aluminum billet, which not only provides the best protection for remote switch cables, but allows for an open architecture, promoting airflow and head dissipation.

TNVC/Forward Controls PCM-MLOK

The PCM has dual parallel channels as well as a 90 degree channel that allow for almost endless cable routing options, and are designed to be bi-directional and stackable.

TNVC/Forward Controls PCM-MLOK

The PCM-MLOK only uses a single MLOK slot, several PCMs can be arranged in series or even on multiple rail faces to fully secure and protect cables.

Grab yours >>

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