D3CRM Overview
The D3CRM has been a staple of ours for years and for good reason. The D3CRM gives you the ability to configure the chestrig for a variety of missions sets and environments.

One of the configurations thats we like is the Double 556 insert paired with a radio and a @Soileater Radio Retention Tab or double MUP insert. The D3CRM already comes configured with 2 pouches on the sides for extra handgun mags, flashlights, multitools, flexcuffs, and anything else youd can dream up.

The built in general purpose pouch on the front can be used for medical equipment, maps for landnav, range or DOPE cards etc. No matter if you choose to run it as a chestrig or a placard the Micro has been proven overseas and here at home.

If you choose to expand the system, we now offer Side Saddles for addtional space on each side of the chestrig.