Mark your target, with the FMA IZLID 200P Replica

Now available for the european players at Emperion Store is the FMA Tactical glare mount visible Laser also known as “IZLID 200P” from B.E. MEYERS which is the real deal.

The FMA replica is proven to be an non-lethal laser and so it is the perfect tool to add to your MilSim kit if you´re into US Special Forces reenactment or you´re in case of the need to have it for photoshootings etc.

FMAs bright green beam has been proven to be the most effective green laser the company said.

Kit includes:

  • laser, rail mount, and remote fire switch.
  • Effective day and night beam level
  • Slow-pulse, fast-pulse, continuous modes
  • Powered by two CR123 batteries
  • Elevation and azimuth adjustments

NOTE: Emperion does Internationally shipping if you´re not in the EU, no problem for them! They´ll ship it to you.

Grab yours >>